I was looking through an old 1986 issue of Computerworld and saw this:
I wonder - does this still exist somewhere?
I see there is plenty of documentation for Solstice X.25/Sunlink X.25 on the Oracle website, but I seem to be failing in locating any Sunlink DNA information.
Jeffrey H. Johnson
jhj at trnsz.comhttps://ban.ai/multics
I've been playing with RSTS/E for a short while, particularly BASIC PLUS. I've noted that, logged into account [1,2] I can issue HELP from within BASIC and it's all fine. From a non-privileged account I created, HELP within BASIC gives me a '?Protection violation' but it seems that all the .HLP files relevant to BASIC have the correct <40> file protection. Am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated.
I know this is somewhat off-topic - but hopefully it is something in line with most list members interests, if not I apologize.
It seems a Mr. Nathan Gregory has written a book on the history of Tymshare's Tymnet, called "A Tym Before". He has a website at https://www.chromosomequest.com/tym-before and a video presentation at https://youtu.be/1rrYQOpZ3Q0.
I've read the book myself yet so I can't put forth an opinion or a review, but it seems like it could be quite interesting. I hope it has some technical details and isn't all just corporate history. The presentation was a bit underwhelming for me, having extensively "researched" this network in the past, but still quite informative.
On a tangent - Since MAME has SPARCstation support working now (https://forums.bannister.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=44666&page=…), I wonder how difficult it would be to bring up Sunlink X.25 / Solstice X.25)?
Jeffrey H. Johnson
jhj at trnsz.comhttps://ban.ai/multics
Hi all,
The RSTS/E business reminded me. I went to the Living Computers Museum last week and it was almost a bit of an emotional experience.
A few things in no particular order:
They appear to have a VAX 6000-400 sitting next to the 785 so I assume that's about to be restored to working order.
There are so many Intel boxes and FPGA-realised interfaces around supplying 'virtual' discs to a number of systems. It's really sad that the number of functional real discs such as RAs, RPs, etc. appears to be decreasing rapidly over time. Bruce said that for one restoration project, they started out with 9 functional RP07s. By the time they'd completed the project, only 2 remained functional.
I didn't ask about HECnet though the elapsed time in discussion about, well, everything else I could think to ask, was over 2 hours.
I played a lot of spacewar/star trek on a TRS-80 Model II (I used to have one) and an IMSAI 8080, probably an Altair original too. Apple ][, e possibly, was as clunky as I remember and how on earth did we ever cope with CRTs? That Osbourne luggable 'portable' was... amazing... CP/M - I'd almost forgotten.
I went into their sorting out room - stacks of disc drives, Commodore 64s, TI something-or-others, calculators (some of the HP RPN favourites I had growing up too). I nearly cried when I saw what looked like an HP 85 computer sticking out from high up on the shelves - I'm sorry I ever sold mine on, doubly sorry that I didn't snap up a refurbished one with QIC-tape replacement on Ebay a few years ago.
I do have some pictures... I'll sort them out.
Time for a new release announcement of TCP/IP for RSX-11M-PLUS.
- One bugfix in TCP, along with some new parameters to increase
flexibility and potentially performance.
- HTTPD can serve multiple hosts with different content from one machine
by use of virtual hosts.
- Lots of added functionality and features in MAIL.
Detailed information on things that have been done since the last release:
- Bugfix in TCP. In a special case, a write on a socket could hang
forever on a closed socket.
- Improve TCP to not set PUSH on packets when we send FIN. Some hosts
and firewalls can dislike if PUSH and FIN are both set on packets, and
since FIN already implies that the stream is ending and whatever has
been received should be passed on to application at the receiving end
anyway, a PUSH is not really needed in that situation.
- Improved TCP RTT calculation.
- Added zeroing out partial last block when ftp in block or RSX mode.
- Added virtual host capabilities to HTTPD.
- Added FLAG/UNFLAG command
- Added PREVIOUS command
- Added /HEADER switch to read
- Improved MAILD when running under virtual terminal (improved
interaction with PHONE)
- Added figuring out which user MAIL is running as when no accounting
exists for terminal
- Added handling of CC recipients in MAIL.
- Improved documentation.
- Improved notification processing.
- Added OS version information to MAIL.
- Added detection of DECMAIL11/RSX, DECUSMAIL/RSX and DECMAIL11/RSTS
- Added exit ast handler to RMD.
- Improve spoof notification handling.
- Changed spoof notification methods.
As usual, the distribution is available from:
The documentation is also available through ftp on Mim, or also at
I hope people find this update useful. While there are no really
critical issues that have been solved, I still recommend people to
update, since this new version do contain improvements that are
beneficial and as far as I know there are no issues or problems updating
to this newest version.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
I've been playing around a little with out 8650 lately, and finally got
irritated enough at the limitation of some diagnostics that I decided to
read up a bit.
The problem is that we have a lot of diagnostics for the 8650, however,
they are from around 1990, when the console pack was created. Some
devices, such as RA73 (of which we have a bunch connected) are newer
than that, so our diagnostics do not know about them, and therefore
ignore them.
Reading up on this turned out that the autosized tool, called EVSBA, is
generic and used on all models. And we have version 7.2 on our pack, and
we need to have version 7.5 in order to have it handle RA73 disks.
Reading more, it sounded like these programs would normally live in VMS
as well, under [SYS0.SYSMAINT]. However, the VMS I have, which was
installed from the 7.3 CD distribution, have nothing in [SYS0.SYSMAINT],
so now my obvious question is, do anyone have "modern" versions of the
diagnostics programs?
EVSBA would be one obvious one I'm looking for, but EVRL* which are all
the tools for RA disks are also interesting. I'm not sure if our current
versions would handle an RA73 either.
If people have other bits, that would also be nice. If they are on
HECnet, even better, since if I boot VMS, our 8650 is also on HECnet, so
that would make copying really easy. But if you have them somewhere
else, that's also usable.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
Time to update those node databases ... BAN.AI Public Access Multics, the premier public access Multics system, has joined HECnet, as node number 1.770 (BANAI).
It's just an initial implementation (based on the Linux DECnet source) and performance is lacking, but I hope to get things better optimized and support more services in the near future.
There are currently 16 outgoing channels for HECnet connections, and up to 128 dynamically allocated incoming login channels.
Outgoing connections to HECnet are allowed only for registered users, but any incoming login from the Internet or HECnet is permitted, including anonymous Guest users.
For more information, you can visit https://ban.ai/, ssh or mosh to dps8 at m.trnsz.com, or SET HOST to BANAI/1.770.
Feel free to request an account or ask any questions.
Jeffrey H. Johnson
jhj at trnsz.comhttps://ban.ai/multicshttp://mim.update.uu.se/hecnet?node=BANAI
.. on HECnet?
Igor Mirvaleev
John Floren
Thierry Dusset
or their nodes ?
2.100 (SEGUE) unreachable
2.150 (LOKI) unreachable
2.201 (SELENE) unreachable
2.300 (LEXX) unreachable
2.301 (DREAM) unreachable
2.302 (BEE) unreachable
I'm looking to purge some obsolete nodes from my database.
OK, so who is "SANYAL" at node 1.550? If you'd like an account on my RSTS/E
system, all you need do is ask. I'm one of those sys admins who actually
reads his event logs. :)