Some time ago, I asked about a list of DECnet generic objects and what
they meant. I remember seeing a response and now I can't find it or
what I thought I saved as a file. Could somebody send me that again?
For now, all I have is what SYSDPY shows. This is an annotated list
(note that numbers are octal unless otherwise specified:
_Object#_ _Name_ _Comment_
1 FAL1
2 URDS Unit Record Device Service (DN200)
5 TCL1
10 3270 3270 Terminal
11 2780 2780 Remote Job Entry protocol
12 3790
13 TPS
15 T20TRM Tops-20/Tops-10/Ultrix Network Remote
Terminal (NRT)
16 T20RSP
17 TCL
20 TLK
21 FAL File Access Listener
22 RTL
26 MAIL How different from MAIL11?
27 NVT
31 LOOP Loopback Testing
32 EVENT DECnet Event Reporting
33 MAIL11 VAX mail?
34 FTS File Transfer Service
35 PHONE Phone
37 X25GAT X.25 gateway
40 UETP User Environment Test Package
42 X29SRV
43 RDS
44 X25HST X.25 Host
45 SNAGAT SNA Gateway
46 SNARJE SNA Remote Job Entry
51 ELF
52 CTERM Control Terminal
^D47 POSI Remote OPR
^D63 DTR
^D66 DQS Digital Queue Service (LAT?)
^D117 FINGER Personal Name service
^D123 PMR
^D201 MS
I needed to take a break from finishing up the Tops-20 DECnet/SMTP code,
so I finally looked into doing a Tops-20 finger server.Over the weekend,
I cobbled something together.For example, on TOMMYT::
FINGER>oinky@venti2 /no-plan
OINKYGuinea PigOINKY not logged in
Last logout Sun 1-Sep-2024 1:40AM from TTY6 (NRT)
No new mail, last read on Tue 12-Apr-2022 10:00PM
The finger server is multi-forking and works by creating a group of
forks, putting the finger program in each fork and changing the primary
input and output to whatever connection is being served.It is general
enough so that you could probably have it run any program with little
Right now, it is in debugging mode and typing a lot of diagnostic
information about the link.So, for the above attempt from the client,
the finger server console output was:
FNGSRV: Connection from TOMMYT, User: SLOGIN, Data: Tops-20_Finger
Object Type: Generic (165), Segment Size: 1459
Local Flow Control: Segment, Remote Flow Control: Segment
Link Quota: Input Percentage: 50, Buffers: 16, Input Goal: 0
As can be seen, the Tops-20 finger client has been modified to send the
name of the local user and optional data identifying the finger
client.Probably I’ll change that to the finger version.The RFC for
TCP/IP finger is (naturally) silent on what you can send over DECnet, so
this doesn’t break anything.So, I can finger myself on MIM:: just fine, viz:
[Default directory: US00:[DEBELLIS]CLI: DCLSID: TDB
Last seen Sep 16 2024 23:04:37 on RT0: from VENTI2::
Logged on 16 times.
No plan.
Unfortunately, it /doesn’t /work when I sign on to MIM:: and try the
local finger client there, viz:
$ finger -d VENTI2::OINKY
So, no obvious failure, but no output, either. On VENTI2::, what I’m
seeing appears to be a successful connection and that the finger program
running in the sub-fork is opening OINKY’s finger plan and sending it
back over the link, viz:
[Fork FNGSRV opening SRV:117 for reading, writing]
FNGSRV: Connection from MIM, Task: DEBELLIS
Object Type: Generic (165), Segment Size: 558
Local Flow Control: Segment, Remote Flow Control: Message
Link Quota: Input Percentage: 50, Buffers: 16, Input Goal: 0
[Fork 2 opening TOMMYT:FINGER.BIN.5 for reading thawed]
[Fork 2 opening TOMMYT:<OINKY>FINGER.PLAN.4 for reading]
Currently, the finger server is highly instrumented, so if it detected
that something was amiss (like the finger sub-fork was flat out
croaking), it would complain about it. Or it should… Finger itself is
not so highly instrumented as I wanted to make the changes there as
small as possible.
If you have a finger client that can do DECnet connections on another
platform (I’m thinking VMS or maybe RSTS) and can try it, let me know
how you make out. Be aware that I did just hack this together in two and
a half days, so I make no claims to any sort of stability. I'm just
trying to trouble shoot at this point.
To the neighbors of area 27:
I have a new ISP which will hopefully prove better than Comcast did. My new addresses are:
IPv6: 2601:b058:1ff:0:d48b:ea7e:93ea:b795
As always, these addresses are in DNS as <>.
I’m still making the final necessary changes on my router but everything should be up and running by the end of the day (GMT -0600).
Mark Berryman
I'm a bit late to the party, but I figured I'd chime in here anyway
I was the maintainer of VMS Finger from V50.1.00 (when I took it over
from Rand Hall) until V50.1.35 which was the last release in July 2000.
Which Finger you get by default (and what it supports) on VMS depends on
which TCP/IP package you have. There's no native DECnet-only Finger.
I've started working on VMS Finger again, including back-porting the
V50.1.35 back to VAX/VMS - VAX support was essentially frozen at
Idle time on VMS is a bucket full of eels - VMS kept track of idle
on physical terminals. I'm not sure if it still does. It never did it
terminal-like connections. Brian Schenkenberger wrote a loadable execu-
table image, loaded at boot time, that provides idle monitoring for TT
devices, as well as hooks to add monitoring of other terminal devices.
A separate utility hooks into it during normal proces-
sing to add monitoring to RT devices (since that device didn't exist at
boot time). Although it is copyrighted by him, he allows it to be dis-
tributed with VMS Finger (and it works on both VAX and Alpha). I never
had an Itanium system of my own (and never desire to), so if you have
and want to run Finger on it, drop me an email and I'll send you a test
kit once I have VMS Finger closer to release state.
Here's an example of VMS Finger (running on a real VAX to a virtual-
ized Alpha):
VX4200::$ finger @server/idle/version
OpenVMS Finger: Version V51.1.36 of 23-Aug-2024
Unauthorized Access Strictly Prohibited
SERVER DS10 616 MHz, OpenVMS V8.4-2L1, Thu, 12-Sep-2024 21:28, 4 Users,
0 Batch
Uptime 19 18:55, since Sat, 24-Aug-2024 02:33, Load: 0.06 0.04 0.07
PID Username Program Term Login CPU Idle Location
TT Type
0000AD16 TERRY $ NTY13: 02:55 0:00 1:19
bedroom.glaver.o VT3xx
0000AA2B TERRY Ltpad NTY14: 02:56 0:00 18:30
bedroom.glaver.o VT3xx
00008634 TERRY Ua NTY12: 16:47 0:38 1:19
portable3-wl.gla VT3xx
0000C496 TERRY $ NTY15: 14:00 0:00 2
office.glaver.or VT3xx
0000C497 TERRY Ltpad NTY16: 14:01 0:00 7:26
office.glaver.or VT3xx
Some info on that display - by default, if the node being fingered
looks like it could be a DECnet Phase IV node, it tries DECnet first.
If you specify something that either isn't a known DECnet node or can't
possibly be a DECnet node, it uses TCP/IP:
VX4200::$ finger
OpenVMS Finger: Version V51.1.36 of 23-Aug-2024
Unauthorized Access Strictly Prohibited
SERVER DS10 616 MHz, OpenVMS V8.4-2L1, Thu, 12-Sep-2024 21:31, 4 Users,
0 Batch
Uptime 19 18:57, since Sat, 24-Aug-2024 02:33, Load: 0.07 0.07 0.07
PID Username Program Term Login CPU Idle Location
TT Type
0000AD16 TERRY $ NTY13: 02:55 0:00 1:21
bedroom.glaver.o VT3xx
0000AA2B TERRY Ltpad NTY14: 02:56 0:00 18:33
bedroom.glaver.o VT3xx
00008634 TERRY Ua NTY12: 16:47 0:38 1:21
portable3-wl.gla VT3xx
0000C496 TERRY $ NTY15: 14:00 0:00 4
office.glaver.or VT3xx
0000C497 TERRY Ltpad NTY16: 14:01 0:00 7:29
office.glaver.or VT3xx
VMS Finger will still try to link code for use with Joiner Associates'
JNET (BITNET) networking stack if you ask for it, but it is untested for
decades. If anyone is still running JNET and connected to something,
drop me an email.
I'm only testing as far back as VAX/VMS V7.3 right now. Eventually
see how far back I can go. Hopefully VMS V5.5-2 and ideally VMS V4.4.
So much for VMS Finger...
I'm also the creator of RSTS/E Finger. It is DECnet-only, but can be
figured to use any DECnet node as a gateway, either to other DECnet
or to TCP/IP hosts.
Here's RSTS/E 10.1 being Fingered from VMS:
SERVER::$ finger @pidp11/version
RSTS/E Finger: Version V1.2-09 of 06-Sep-2024
RSTS/E Your Organization Name Here PiDP-11
PIDP11 PDP-11/70, RSTS V10.1-L, Friday, 12-Sep-1924 21:33, 9 Jobs, 63
Uptime 4 07:33:52, since Monday, 8-Sep-1924 14:00
05-Sep-24 - Your message could be here! Edit FINGER$:FINGER.MSG to
change it.
Job Username PPN Progrm Term Login CPU ST Location
1 SYSTEM 1,2 ERRCPY Det 00:00 SR - Detached -
2 SYSTEM 1,2 MAILQ Det 00:01 SR - Detached -
3 SYSTEM 1,2 OMS Det 00:03 SL - Detached -
4 SYSTEM 1,2 PBS... Det 00:06 SL - Detached -
5 SYSTEM 1,2 EVTLOG Det 00:00 SL - Detached -
6 SYSTEM 1,2 MESMAN Det 00:00 SL - Detached -
7 TERRY 20,254 DCL KB33: 14:01 00:00 ^C SERVER::[11,376]
8 TERRY 20,254 DCL KB34: 02:57 00:00 ^C SERVER::[11,376]
9 SYSTEM 1,2 FINSRV Det 00:00 RN - Detached -
And here is RSTS/E 10.1 Fingering an Internet host:
$ finger
[MIM.STUPI.NET via routing host SERVER]
RSX-11M-PLUS system MIM. Fri Sep 13 03:39:27 2024. Up: 1 day, 4:44.
Luser Real name Term Idle Logged in From
BILLQUIST Johnny Billquist TT15: 17 12 Sep 14:53
RSTS/E Finger requires RSTS/E V9.6 or later, since the DECnet/E
it relies on is V4.1, which itself requires RSTS/E V9.6 or later.
Moving right along:
I also wrote an MS-DOS Finger implementation. That isn't as useless
as it sounds. If you just say "finger", you get the message "You are
the only user, of course". But like RSTS/E Finger, it uses DECnet
(Pathworks or whatever product name du jour that product has). The
code still exists, but I don't know of any modern Microsoft Windows
system that has a DECnet stack available for it. If anyone knows of
a DECnet implementation that runs under Windows 10, let me know and
I'll resurrect MS-DOS finger as a CLI application for Windows. I can
even sign it 8-}
Once I have VMS and RSTS/E Finger updated to where I want them,
I'd love to have a network interoperability bake-off with as many
other implementations as possible. Probably the oddest one I ran
into in my testing 30+ years ago was the front-end CPU for a Cray.
Terri Kennedy
Version 5.3(277)-5 incorporates additional features, enhancements and
fixes since edit release 5.3(255)-5 in March of this year (29-Mar-2024).
Users of the HECnet community may anonymously transfer files from
VENTI2::TOMMYT:<OINKY.K20MIT> and related subdirectories.
The changes are summarized below and are further described in
Rich text is also available in and .PDF and Microsoft .DOCX format.
Note that the FAL server on VENTI2:: is *beta code* which required
modifications to Tops-20 in order to function properly in an edge case
that could happen at boot time. Please email me any issues with FAL
transfers off list and I will investigate.
[256] /PARITY switch to ECHO for batch and other testing purposes[257]
Teach INPUT to respect parity, if asked
[259] Fix a few arcane bugs in the C constant expression expander
[260] Fix DEFINE to work (again) with ESCAPE and PARITY
[261] Decrease repeated parity error messing
[262] Remove the legacy INPUT code that uses BIN%'s
[263] Stop using a SIN% for a line at a time read
[264] Toggle session logging from command level
[265] Fix TTY Input Buffer full when doing a TRANSMIT on a PTY
[266] Turn TRANSMIT and CAPTURE increasingly hairy switches in SET
[267] Give effective data rate at end of TRANSMIT
[268] CAPTURE is no longer hidden. Further document it
[269] Review, update and correction of all help text
[270] Enhance default for SET PROMPT to give some extra useful information
[271] Fix TVT setting; it gets overwritten by automatic processing
[274] Fix SET INPUT to better support DEFINE
[275] SET TRANSMIT SETTINGS-DEFAULTS for backwards compatibility
[276] Fix indirect recursion crash when reporting an error with REALLY
short packets
[277] Variable blips (so we don't get clobbered for very small packets)
Kermit-20-Testing-Battery-5.3(277)-5 Updates
Updated Help
Has anybody ever used this and had success with it? The magic switches,
backwr.c is a user contribution to klh10 to write tape files that can be
'mounted' on a 10/20. It comes with no documentation nor does it
describe its usage. I puzzled out the command line parser and did:
./backwr -c -T -f ../k20mit-277/k20mit-277.tar > k20tar.tap
I want to copy the tar file off the tape to try to read it on the 20
with the 20's implementation of tar.
However, when I try to copy the file off the tape, I get ?File data
error on file MTA0:
If not backwr, what are alternative solutions? The klh10 micro-engine's
NI implementation has odd behavior in that if you do a download, you get
megabit speeds. If you try to upload on the other hand, you can barely
crack 1 kilobaud. So I'm currently uploading the tarball with Kermit,
but at 1KBd, it's going to take three days.