On 2018-09-14 23:26, Keith Halewood wrote:
I?ve been playing with RSTS/E for a short while, particularly BASIC
PLUS. I?ve noted that, logged into account [1,2] I can issue HELP from
within BASIC and it?s all fine. From a non-privileged account I created,
HELP within BASIC gives me a ??Protection violation? but it seems that
all the .HLP files relevant to BASIC have the correct <40> file
protection. Am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated.
I don't think I have the right answer, but my first question is, are you
actually talking about BASIC+ or BASIC+2. The subject seems to hint at
BASIC+2, while the text says BASIC+.
They are different you know, with different help files as well.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol