KA10 runs 6.03A, KI support was a mess (did not work as distributed on KI) and yanked in
7.03. We had KI522/KI606 in SMP with 7.02 (that was not supported..)
From: "tommytimesharing"
<tommytimesharing at gmail.com>
To: "hecnet" <hecnet at Update.UU.SE>
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 4:28:41 PM
Subject: Re: [HECnet] A2RTR downtime
I'm only familiar with the source code for KLH10
to any great extent and a small
subset of the code for SIMH (the 340). KLH10 implements KL10 and KS10 Tops-20
and ITS paging microcode. I thought I remembered some stubs for the KI, but I
wouldn't swear to it.
I believe the KA10 was de-supported as of the 6.00
series monitor. WPI had 6.05
running on our KA10, but it was "much modified" as we had some real hackers on
staff (I wasn't one of them as I worked in Marlboro)
The KI had to have been de-supported by 7.04 because
the October 1988 version of
the Tops-10 Monitor Calls Reference Manual has a section on user mode extended
addressing (2.2).
The SMP code at one point did run on a KI as this is
what it was debugged on.
I'm pretty sure I remember seeing two KI's in the same machine room as 2102,
2116, 2136 and 2137, but I could be wrong. I don't remember their processor
numbers. Marlboro employees would go starry eyed talking about SMP...
It is tempting to speculate that it might not be an
extremely heavy lift to do
KI paging as it is a subset of TENEX paging (which the KL implements a subset
of). What I mean is that you would chuck more code than you'd write. I could,
of course, be completely delusional. I would think that probably SIMH would be
your best bet in that arena.
The only patch I'm aware of for NOV 2021 T10
DECnet is what I came up with. I've
reached out to some people off list to socialize this.
> On 10/18/21 7:13 PM, Peter Lothberg wrote:
> This is kind of a bit off topic.. But...
> So I have a lot of T10 7.02 based code for KI10
(using tops10 KI paging...).
> None of the PDP10 emulators do T10 KI paging..
> 7.03 has lots of internal changes that did not
work on KI, so back ported DECnet
> 4 etc from 7.03 to 7.02 (remember we had KI CPU's..)
> Was there 7.02 that used KL10/Tops20 paging? I
don't have the dist tapes any
> longer?
> Or is there a PDP10 emulator that do KI Tops10
paging that would run my 7.02?
> --P
> So what's the actual T20 patch for NOV 2021
> Ps, tops10 does not "cross compile"
between versions well (or at all..)