See below for a link to a g-drive file containing a ZIP archive of the DEC research group
implementation of Smalltalk for the VAX.
If someone has a VT125 to try it on I would appreciate seeing an image of the screen with
Smalltalk running.
Begin forwarded message:
> *From:* Nigel Williams <nw at>
> *Date:* 7 April 2020 at 10:33:55 pm AEST
> *To:* John Ames <commodorejohn at>
> *Subject:* *Re:? VAX/Smalltalk-80?*
> ?
>>> On 2 Apr 2020, at 10:08 am, John Ames via cctech <cctech at> wrote:
>> I know from the book "Smalltalk-80: Bits of History, Words of Advice"
> Thanks for the reminder about the VMS version, as you likely know
> their paper about VAX Smalltalk was in an early DEC Technical Journal
> too.
>> ...while the second ran under VMS and was actually developed
>> within DEC. This version - VAX/Smalltalk-80 - was headed up by Stoney
>> Ballard and Stephen Shirron; anybody know if there's a surviving copy
>> out there, if it was ever available outside DEC to begin with?
> I contacted Stephen and he kindly provided a ZIP
> I had a quick look and it will need an early VMS I suspect, around
> version 4.x (might work on a later version).
> cheers,
> nigel.
Very cool.? I have the three (?) popular books about smalltalk-80 from the 80's.
I'll have to dig them out along with the DEC Tech Journal (If I have it).
John H. Reinhardt