RSX and RSTS unfortunately can not share but...
Put your "shareable" files on a VMS system and enable proxy access so
that each system has access to...
On Sat, 2020-03-21 at 08:30 -0700, Robert Armstrong wrote:
Steve Davidson
<steve at>
With two drives why not put both operating systems on.
Not a bad idea... Just out of curiosity, can RSX mount RSTS file
systems or vice versa? So I could share user files between the two
systems if I did that?
do you have stock in your local electric company?
PG&E ?!? I certainly hope not (although I have to admit that my
retirement plan might have their stock in the portfolio - it's pretty
common to do so). After their last rate hikes, I think the current
baseline PG&E rate is 12 cents/kWh, and tier 1 (which I end up in
most of the time) is about 19 cents/kWh. I can't afford to leave any
of the old computers running 24x7. I'd like to, but it's just not
possible. Instead I run simh on some Intel Atom thing. The whole
PC, including the SSD, uses about 10-15W and can simulate a whole
garage full of old computers, each one faster than the original
hardware. Kinda sad in a way, but that's progress...
I'll have to measure the power draw of the 11/53 and BA123. I
don't think it really uses 625W - that's just what the power supplies
are rated for, maximum - but it'd be interesting to see the real