Does anyone have the document EK-TZ875-OM in their digital collections anywhere? I am
unable to find it anywhere, and I'm trying to decypher the front panel controls for
this device. I can read and write DLTIII tapes without a problem. Reading TK50 tapes
seems to work, but I'm getting random garbage. There appears to be a method to
override the density on the front panel, but I can't quite figure it out.
There's a manual for the TZ877 around, but the front panel is completely different.
On 2013-01-25, at 8:51 PM, Ian McLaughlin <ian at> wrote:
Digging around in my junk tonight, I come across a DEC TZ875-TA 5-slot tape changer.
Some googling shows it can *read* TK50 tapes!
I'm playing around with it on a Linux box using native DLT IIIXT tapes on it to make
sure it's operating correctly, then I'll give it a try reading a TK50. I hope it
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