I've just thrown together the RSTS/E updates mentioned in my previous
message into the DECnet default account on HECnet node DINGO:: (35.619)
The file DINGO::FILES.TXT contains the following details (and will be added
to as I make available more files).
=== FILES.TXT ==
These are the files available from HECnet node DINGO:: (a SIMH
PDP-11/70 emulation running RSTS/E V10.1 on a Raspberry Pi 3B)
in the Default DECnet account (no password required).
There's also a GitHub repository at
where you can get further RSTS/E related information (with a link
to Paul Koning's repository too).
Name .Typ Size Prot Access Date Time Clu RTS
Patch for improved Ethernet throughput using DECnet/E V4.1
on RSTS/E V10.1
NSP1 .PAT 2 < 62> 03-May-16 03-May-16 08:38 AM 64 ...RSX
NSP1 .TXT 9 < 62> 19-Sep-16 19-Sep-16 02:29 PM 64 ...RSX
Year 2003 update for FIT (File Interchange Transfer program)
FIT .TSK 92C < 62> 03-Jul-20 03-Jul-20 02:09 PM 64 RSX
FIT .DIF 5 < 62> 02-Jul-20 02-Jul-20 07:49 AM 64 ...RSX
FITBLD.COM 2 < 62> 03-Jul-20 03-Jul-20 08:09 AM 64 DCL
This file
FILES .TXT 2 < 60> 15-Sep-20 15-Sep-20 09:31 AM 64 RT11
A directory of Kermit-11 T3.63 files (with updates to 3-Oct-2006) available
KERMIT.TXT 35 < 60> 15-Sep-20 15-Sep-20 09:32 AM 64 RT11
Please report any problems to me via e-mail to either
tony.nicholson at
computer.org or (HECnet) FAUNA::TONY
Tony Nicholson <tony.nicholson at computer.org>