On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 05:41:14PM +0200, Johnny Billquist wrote:
Speaking of which, Update runs its own DNS servers, web servers, and
just about anything else as well. And we don't have any bandwidth
limitations, and we have a pretty high bandwidth in general (maybe more
than most places).
I just don't personally care much about fixing web pages. While I
certainly can manage DNS records, I'm so old school that I keep them in
static files for bind to use. And I haven't checked what Update is
running now, so I don't know how much of that I could do. But there are
a few other Updaters around here as well, who might chime in.
I'm in a similar situation. My colo box is MY hardware (sorry, it runs
Solaris, not VMS) and I have no restrictions on the bandwidth other than
"don't be an ass". 100Mbit. The current server is a POS but the there
has been a replacement server delivered that should be going in at some
point. I can host web content, but I, like you, don't care to be mucking
about with web pages (although I will if needed to).
I'm not opposed to dynamic DNS and/or DB backed DNS (which i might be setting
up soon anyway) if people want to be able to manage their own DNS for any
domains that I might host. I can also be a slave to any domains for anyone
who needs.
But on the other hand, I don't mind other people taking initiatives, and
making stuff happen either.
It's nice, isn't it? Get them all interested and then make THEM do the work. :)
Just giving you all some more options. :-)
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