At 9:29 AM -0500 2/22/10, Steve Davidson wrote:
The task object mechanism works great!
I have used this with FORTRAN when I supported it for DEC.
For the fun:
This VAX program draws sliders on a VT100, then send the position of the
sliders in real time to a remote task named 'ihma' on node named 'syter'
running on a PDP-11 under RSX. I suppose it makes no difference if 'syter'
is a VAX node. I don't run VMS so I can't compile it, but it may be fun to
play with.
#include stdio
FILE *syter;
static char ihma[] = "syter\"user pass\"::\"task=ihma\"";
static char Command[255], Reponse[255];
EnvoyerAvecAR (msg) char* msg;
strcpy (Command, msg);
write (fileno(syter), &Command, strlen(Command));
read (fileno(syter), &Reponse, sizeof(Reponse));
EnvoyerSansAR (msg) char* msg;
strcpy (Command, msg);
write (fileno(syter), &Command, strlen(Command));
#define IO$_WRITEVBLK 0x30
#define IO$_READVBLK 0x31
#define IO$M_NOECHO 0x0040
typedef unsigned short int channel;
channel Assign (device) char *device;
channel chan;
int devDescr[2];
devDescr[1] = device;
devDescr[0] = strlen(device);
SYS$ASSIGN (&devDescr, &chan, 0,0);
return (chan);
QioRead (chan, bufa, bufl) channel chan; char *bufa; int bufl;
unsigned int iostatus[2];
SYS$QIOW (0, chan, (long) (IO$_READVBLK|IO$M_NOECHO),
&iostatus,0, 0, bufa, bufl, 0,0,0,0);
QioWrite (chan, bufa, bufl) channel chan; char *bufa; int bufl;
unsigned int iostatus[2];
SYS$QIOW (0, chan, (long) IO$_WRITEVBLK,
&iostatus,0, 0, bufa, bufl, 0,0,0,0);
char NextChar (chan) channel chan;
{ char ch; QioRead (chan, &ch, 1); return (ch); }
#define FROM '0' /* code pour effacement depuis le curseur */
#define UPTO '1' /* code pour effacement jusqu'au curseur */
#define ALL '2' /* code pour effacement entite complete */
#define NORMAL '0' /* attribut video rendement normal */
#define BOLD '1' /* attribut video surintensite */
#define UNDER '4' /* attribut video soulignement */
#define BLINK '5' /* attribut video clignotement */
#define REVER '7' /* attribut video inversion */
#define NEWLIN '0' /* mode new line */
#define KEYPAD '1' /* mode application */
#define COL132 '3' /* mode 132 colonnes */
#define SMOOTH '4' /* mode montee lente */
#define WHITEB '5' /* mode fond blanc */
#define RELATI '6' /* mode adressage relatif */
#define WRAPAR '7' /* mode pliage de ligne */
#define REPEAT '8' /* mode repetition auto */
#define INTERL '9' /* mode balayage entrelace */
#define ON 'h' /* selection modes ci-dessus */
#define OFF 'l' /* deselection modes ci-dessus */
#define UK 'A' /* jeu de caracteres United Kingdom */
#define US 'B' /* jeu de caracteres United States */
#define SG '0' /* jeu de caracteres Semi Graphics */
#define A1 '1' /* jeu de caracteres Alternate 1 */
#define A2 '2' /* jeu de caracteres Alternate 2 */
#define vtposit(lin, col) printf ("\33[%u;%uf", lin, col)
#define vtwindo(li1, li2) printf ("\33[%u;%ur", li1, li2)
#define vtattri(attribut) printf ("\33[%cm", attribut)
#define vtsmode(car, sel) printf ("\33[?%c%c", car, sel)
#define vtcursr(sel) printf ("\33[?25%c", sel)
#define vtclscr(mode) printf ("\33[%cJ", mode)
#define vtcline(mode) printf ("\33[%cK", mode)
#define vtcarac(cset) printf ("\33(%c", cset)
#define GetTime(tim) SYS$GETTIM (tim)
#define putstr(str) printf ("%s",str)
#define max(x,y) (x>y ? x : y)
#define min(x,y) (x>y ? y : x)
#define NON 0
#define OUI 1
#define VALMIN 0
#define VALMAX 1000
typedef struct {
char name [16];
short lmin, cmin; /* ligne et colonne minimum */
short lmax, cmax; /* ligne et colonne maximum */
short lcur, ccur; /* ligne et colonne curseur */
int value;
} potard;
static int PALLOC = 0;
static potard PLIST [16];
potard *CreatePot (lmin, lmax, cmin, cmax, label)
short lmin, lmax, cmin, cmax; char *label;
potard *w;
w = &PLIST [PALLOC++];
w->value = VALMIN;
w->lmin = lmin; w->cmin = cmin;
w->lmax = lmax; w->cmax = cmax;
w->lcur = lmax-1; w->ccur = (cmax+cmin)/2;
strcpy (w->name, label);
DrawPot (w); return (w);
DrawLabl (w, hiLite) potard *w; int hiLite;
if (hiLite) vtattri (REVER);
vtposit (w->lmax+1, w->cmin); putstr (w->name);
if (hiLite) vtattri (NORMAL);
DrawValu (w) potard *w;
vtposit (w->lmin-1, w->cmin); printf (" %+06u ", w->value);
DrawCurs (w, drawIt) potard *w; int drawIt;
vtposit (w->lcur, w->ccur);
if (drawIt) putchar ('`'); else putchar (' ');
DrawPot (w) potard *w;
int i; char *deb, *fin, buff[132];
deb = fin = &buff; /* LIGNES HORIZONTALES */
for (i=0; i<=w->cmax-w->cmin; ++i) *fin++ = 'q'; *fin = 0;
*deb='l'; *(fin-1)='k'; vtposit (w->lmin,w->cmin); putstr
*deb='m'; *(fin-1)='j'; vtposit (w->lmax,w->cmin); putstr
deb = fin = &buff; /* LIGNES VERTICALES */
for (i=0; i<=w->cmax-w->cmin; ++i) *fin++ = ' '; *fin = 0;
*deb = 't'; *(deb+1) = 'q'; *(fin-1) = 'x';
for (i = w->lmin+1; i < w->lmax; ++i)
{ vtposit (i, w->cmin); putstr (&buff); }
DrawCurs (w, OUI);
DrawLabl (w, NON);
DrawValu (w);
Slide (pot, incr) int pot; int incr;
potard *w;
int newpos;
char msg[255];
w = &PLIST[pot];
w->value += incr;
if (w->value < VALMIN) w->value = VALMIN;
if (w->value > VALMAX) w->value = VALMAX;
newpos = w->lmax-1 - (w->lmax-w->lmin-2) * (w->value-VALMIN)
if (newpos != w->lcur)
{ DrawCurs (w,NON); w->lcur = newpos; DrawCurs (w,OUI); }
DrawValu (w);
sprintf (&msg, "ER %u %u.", pot+1, w->value);
EnvoyerSansAR (msg);
#define ESC '\033'
DragPots ()
channel term;
int doIt=OUI; char kbd;
int select=0, delta=1, delai;
unsigned int avant[4], apres[4];
DrawLabl (&PLIST[select], OUI);
term = Assign ("TT");
do {
GetTime (&avant); do ; while (NextChar(term) != ESC);
GetTime (&apres); delai = (apres[0]-avant[0])/100000;
if (delai < 1) { if (delta < 100) ++delta; } else
if (delai < 10) { if (delta > 10) ++delta; } else
delta = 1;
NextChar(term); switch (NextChar(term))
/* ^ */ case 'A': { Slide (select, delta); break; }
/* V */ case 'B': { Slide (select, -delta); break; }
/* < */ case 'D': { DrawLabl (&PLIST[select], NON);
select = (select+7)%8;
DrawLabl (&PLIST[select], OUI);
break; }
/* > */ case 'C': { DrawLabl (&PLIST[select], NON);
select = (select+1)%8;
DrawLabl (&PLIST[select], OUI);
break; }
default: doIt = NON;
} while (doIt);
main ()
syter = fopen (&ihma, "w");
printf ("Connexion Syter, status = %u\n", ferror (syter));
getchar ();
EnvoyerAvecAR ("RI SYG$LIBRARY:S8");
EnvoyerAvecAR ("EX");
vtcarac (SG);
vtclscr (ALL);
vtcursr (OFF);
CreatePot (02, 23, 02, 09, " V.LECT ");
CreatePot (02, 23, 12, 19, " TRANSP ");
CreatePot (02, 23, 22, 29, " FR.PRE ");
CreatePot (02, 23, 32, 39, " BAND.P ");
CreatePot (02, 23, 42, 49, " GAIN.P ");
CreatePot (02, 23, 52, 59, " FR.INF ");
CreatePot (02, 23, 62, 69, " FR.SUP ");
CreatePot (02, 23, 72, 79, " VOLUME ");
DragPots ();
vtclscr (ALL);
vtcursr (ON);
vtcarac (US);
EnvoyerAvecAR ("AR");
EnvoyerAvecAR ("FI");
fclose (syter);
Jean-Yves Bernier