On Aug 13, 2018, at 8:13 AM, Johnny Eriksson <bygg
at cafax.se> wrote:
Johnny Billquist wrote:
Object 23 is the predecessor of CTERM. I'm
not entirely sure of the name
of that protocol.
From some code:
[ASCIZ |NRT|] ;23 NRT program
Supported by tops10 and 20. If you need to do testing you can use
my machines, athena (20) and topsy (10).
23 is the OS-specific remote terminal protocol set. It's actually a single object
type with multiple protocols underneath, depending on which OS is used. For example, the
RSX flavor looks like an RPC exporting the terminal QIOs; the RSTS one looks vaguely like
telnet in line and character mode; and the TOPS flavor is character mode. The choice is
made at connection time, according to the OS ID sent by the responder. RSTS supports the
full set, provided you installed the "unsupported" client. (The
"supported" client only speaks the RSTS flavor.)