Hi All,
After a rather suddenly enforced break over 2 years ago I'm in a
position where I can try and get back onto HECNET.
I've renewed my VMS PAKs and have a couple of simh VMS 7.3 instances up again.
Unfortunately when I dropped off back then I lost my static IP, so
step one, I guess, is asking this: What are the current best options
the group has found to deal with dynamic addresses?
Alas FLETCH (1.100), my VS4000/60 has suffered some kind of disk
trauma during the intervening 2 house moves so it might be a while
before I can connect a physical system.
Nice to see the return of the mapping project too - rather more
elegant than my own short-lived efforts.
Pete Edwards
"There's a man with a mullet going mad with a mallet in Millets!" - HMHB
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