On 17 Jan 2013, at 21:23, Dave McGuire wrote:
I'd agree with OS X being unusable now. I spend a lot of time
tweaking it and making it bend over backwards to do what I want.
Often involving using Terminal.app exclusively with a bunch of X
apps. ;)
That's how I've always used graphical workstations...as a way to get a
buttload of terminal windows. (that's what they were pretty much FOR in
earlier times!)
I know it's probably of little consequence, but I use an app called iTerm2 in OS X for
terminals. It does a good deal better job of handling multiple terminals, reusable
bookmarks etc. than Apple's POS Terminal.app ever did.
OS X does what I need it to (mostly desktopy Internety stuff) so I keep it. I used to
double it up as a UNIX platform for compiling and running OSS stuff too but I dropped it
and used Debian and derivatives on other x86 hardware instead - it just does more with
less for less.
Mark Benson
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