What does my router do to break your mapper? If I know it might be something I can fix.
On 24 September 2013 21:07, Brian Hechinger <wonko at 4amlunch.net> wrote:
On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 10:01:06PM +0200, Johnny Billquist wrote:
Yuck. While I won't prevent someone from doing this, regularly scraping
that file, hoping for a standardized, usable format, seems optimistic
and heavy. :-)
Yes, we keep trying that. It keeps failing. :)
Seems noone have such a web resource around, so I
guess I'll drop the
idea for now.
I can offer up a web server. It's FreeBSD though. :)
There was someone who (for a while?) tried to have a
network map around.
Is that still up somewhere? It would be even nicer to get something
superimposed on a real map.
I'm still going to be working on it. It's been sitting on the sidelines
waiting for Paul to get NICE support written into his DECnet stack he's
written in python. The current mapper works fine so long as it's only
DEC OSes involved. Cisco (and Rob's router) break it and I haven't found
a good solution to that while trying to run it on VMS (there are some
limitations such as paramiko not working on VMS).
I will get back to it. I promise. :)