El 17/06/2013, a les 19:07, Cory Smelosky <b4 at gewt.net> va escriure:
I can't telnet to MIM.Update.UU.SE nor can I ping it from my Cisco ( the only bit of
it that DOES work right now...;) ). Telnet connects but is just blank.
Is MIM down or have I broken something?
It's unreachable from here too:
[BITXOV]$ dir mim::
%DIRECT-E-OPENIN, error opening MIM::*.*;* as input
-RMS-E-FND, ACP file or directory lookup failed
-SYSTEM-F-UNREACHABLE, remote node is not currently reachable
[BITXOV]$ set host mim
%SYSTEM-F-UNREACHABLE, remote node is not currently reachable
Jordi Guillaumes i Pons
jg at jordi.guillaumes.name
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