Oh ok, I just forgot the subscription address, someone remind me? :)
On 9 Mar 2009, at 21:42, Johnny Billquist wrote:
Sampsa Laine wrote:
Ladies, Gentlemen,
I've been talking to a Mr Mark Williams today about some VMS related stuff,
wonderfully helpful chap etc etc.
Anyway, he asked me to relay this message to our mailing list in case we were interested
in attending or even speaking at this "old DEC kit" gathering.
If it had been any closer... ;-)
Might I also suggest that we add Mr Williams to this mailing list as he's likely to be
a great asset to HECnet.
In general I dislike adding someone else on their behalf. I prefer that they request to
subscribe themself.
Begin forwarded message:
*From: *Mark Wickens <mark at wickensonline.co.uk <mailto:mark at
While I've got your attention - I'm organising a meeting later in the
year that will focus on old DEC kit - HECNET would definitely be of
interest - do you know of anyone in the HECNET community who I might
approach about giving a short talk? It'll be autumn this year (when I
get my finger out and book a venue!) up here in the Lake District.
Sounds like you might be interested in this sort of thing - do you want
me to add you to the distribution list?
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" -
B. Idol
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