On 15 Jul 2011, at 12:38, hvlems at zonnet.nl wrote:
Mark, running a vt100 80 x 24 screen on a blackberry (not a Torch) is problematic.
OTOH 20 years ago I wouldn't have dreamt of being able to power down an XP1000 sitting
on my couch and using a phone as a remote terminal!
Oh don't get me wrong, it's cool that you can do it and I have used it a few
times. For basic terminal stuff its great. I have my HP Microserver set up to allow SSH
from external IPs via myy firewall so I can SSH there then Telnet into my SimH VAX from my
phone :D
On the same count however, a lot of DEC text based apps like EVE and Notes (I think?) Use
mimetic pad and F-key functions which are a struggle on phone-based clients.
Mark Benson