On 02/13/2013 12:15 AM, Dave McGuire wrote:
Eeeek. Sprint! The horror...
Yeah, it was pretty bad. High pricing, no inverse DNS (they said it was "a
business decision"...FUCKING SUITS!), not-so-great speed, etc. But there are no
alternatives in SW FL.
This raises the question, what does one want from an Internet connection? What would be
your checklist?
The reason I ask is that I really want a better connection at my house. Since I live
somewhat rural it will quite a bit of work (convincing neighbors to share costs, get
permits for digging, finding suitable ISP) and therefore I want to get it right.
Peter, would be nice to get your thoughts on the matter, since you have some experience
getting high speed connections to country side houses :-)
Sorry if we are drifting to far from topic.
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