I'm a contractor right now and waiting for some work to kick off in September, so
trying to make my buffer last as long as possible.
Otherwise I'd have just bought it :)
Also, might be moving to Lebanon so not much point buying crazy servers in the UK...
On 7 Jul 2011, at 10:42, Mark Wickens wrote:
On 07/07/11 10:32, Mark Benson wrote:
On 7 Jul 2011, at 09:04, Mark Wickens<mark at wickensonline.co.uk> wrote:
Fully loaded RX4640 up for GBP 640, that would put a dent in your electricity bill.
Always amazed me that these came with only two drives built in, given the size of the
Have a look at his Shop - he's got a DS20E on there too :)
Yes, one of those would be nice. Unfortunately, gone are the contractor days when I'd
just have bought it.