On 18 Jun 2011, at 07:02, hvlems at zonnet.nl wrote:
Mark, I'll boot one of my alpha's today and post the contents of a private server
dcl file that works for me. On an S3 Trio card, I have no 3Dlabs hardware.
I think the flags I'm looking for are pretty universal, it's just how to format
them etc.
Another point - I can copy the template file to the .com file just fine. I ca't delete
the .com file using the same file location, it says it doesn't exist, yet I can edit
and copy it fine using the location:
Try to delete that and it balks at me. I obviously don't understand the file system in
VMS yet either, it's a bit 'alien' compared to UNIX :)
The 3Dlabs card is software settable, right? Not a jumper setting that must be changed.
Steve Hoffman makes no mention of the PowerStorm 4D10/ELSA GLoria Synergy (it's a
3DLabs Permedia 2 8MB) needing special treatment, I'm sure he'd have noted that in
his guide (as he has does the PowerStorm 3D30 and 4D20)
That's the card. No switches or jumpers that I can see.
Mark Benson
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