"Bob Armstrong" <bob at jfcl.com> writes:
Hey, thanks, Brian, for the example! Where are these NML$ library
routines documented? That's what I was looking for...
Source code? It's been so long since I wrote that example that I really do
not recall where *that* info was found. I typically document my code with
a RTFM reference. Of course, the only thin in that didty I posted was the
DNA NML Network Management Specification. There are only 3 entry points in
NMLSHR.EXE which you can see with an ANALYZE/IMAGE command.
Call NML$INITIALIZE; no parameters.
Call NML$PROCESS_NICE; NML request by descriptor, callback routine
Call NML$TERMINATE; no parameters.
The "Callback routine" is handed a descriptor. The first byte of the data
in the descriptor is a status. The status values, along with all of the
rest of the NMA constants, can be found in the library module "$NMADEF" in
the system called LIB. SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB for macro; LIB.REQ for Bliss;
If you Google NML$PROCESS_NICE, you will find some other tidbits of info.
One that was found when I did this is by friend Nick De Smith. It can be
found in the DECUS Library Compendium (
DECUSlib.COM) which I too maintain.
NDS's example is written in C. I'd suggest NOT following NDS's example
too closely. Avoid the nameless constant values; include NMADEF from the
library and use its constant definitions.
Also, these calls will only work if you have DECnet phase IV installed on
your system. DECnet Phase V interface is a whole 'nother ball o' wax.
VAXman- A Bored Certified VMS Kernel Mode Hacker VAXman(at)TMESIS(dot)ORG
I speak to machines with the voice of humanity.