I don't have Steve's email, so I'm asking this here.
I've lost again connectivity to SG1 via Multinet UDP link. Since I have been doing...
funny things at my side, I have checked the situation a little bit and I've found SG1
is broadcasting ENDNODE Hello packets (which I get through Johnny's bridge):
514 15.000758 19.41 DECNET-Phase-IV-end-node-Hello-packets DEC DNA 60 Routing control,
Endnode Hello message
Now I'm a little bit lost. I think a node must be configured as an Area router to be
able to route between two areas via the multinet link. Actually, SG1 is unreachable even
thru Johnny's bridge, which probably means there is no area router configured for the
area 19... I've tried to reach SG1 from MIM, and it is not reachable from there
either, so (for one time) the problem won't be at my side ;)
Am I missing anything?
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