One of my nodes fell off Hecnet (actually a while ago).
I finally got around to reboot it in order to get it back.
The problem? Too much uptime.
Monitor Atle - DEC-10 at work
System uptime 10483:52:41
Current date/time Thursday 8-Feb-2018 8:00:14
Thats what you get for running stable hardware. On the other hand,
this is/was a known problem:
MCO: 12935 Name: WXD Date: 22-May-86:14:12:35
DECnet stops working correctly. The -10 sees all the nodes
on the ethernet, but isn't seen by any of the nodes.
The -10 has stopped sending ethernet hello messages. This
is caused by the -10 getting an overflow when calculating the DECnet
time (milliseconds of uptime), which is then used to determine when
to send the next message. The algorithm is:
IMULI T1,1000.
This overflows at 159 hours, 4 minutes, 22 seconds, and 19. ticks (60hz).
Change IMULI -> MULI, and IDIVI -> DIVI
This algorithm won't overflow until 9544 hours of uptime (395+ days).
--Johnny (the other one)
( *.* )
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