Really?? I never saw any shutdown code in the Tops-20 Galaxy operator
interface, although this always struck me as an obvious place to put
it.? You have to issue the command from the EXEC level (^ECEASE)
The SET keyword is a top-level command in OPRCMD, which then hands off
to secondary parsing in OPRSCM.? The aptly named SETFDB block shows the
keywords that SET will take.? KSYS isn't one of them.
Looks like there are significant differences between the two Galaxies.?
Cool.? I'll have to have a closer look at what shipped with the Tops-10
code sometime; there are additional commands for handling FAL which I
had actually been thinking about implementing; maybe I won't need to.
On 3/11/20 4:05 AM, G. wrote:
Wait for '-- KSYS processing completed --' then give the 'shut' command
the 'KLH10>>' emulator prompt (which will return you to the
'BOOT>' prompt)
and finally 'halt' and 'quit' the emulator.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Tue, 10 Mar 2020 20:50:15 -0400, Supratim Sanyal wrote:
> 3) What is the proper way to shut a KLH-10 PDP-10 running TOPS-10 system
> down?