I turned the Ethernet circuit off and set up a DMC line to
DECnet/Python. What seems to be interesting is the Area does not seem to
be propagating as part of the DECnet address and confusing
DECnet/Python. [Non-Issue, just saying.]
The following four things are reported in a loop.
Event type 4.11, Initialization failure, line fault#012? From node 31.32
(PIPY), occurred 17-Dec-2021 16:03:05.499#012? Circuit =
DDCMP-31-42#012??? Reason = Circuit synchronization lost
Event type 4.10, Circuit up#012? From node 31.32 (PIPY), occurred
17-Dec-2021 16:03:15.473#012? Circuit = DDCMP-31-42#012 Adjacent node =
DDCMP-31-42 packet from wrong node 42
Event type 4.18, Adjacency down#012? From node 31.32 (PIPY), occurred
17-Dec-2021 16:03:15.494#012? Circuit = DDCMP-31-42#012??? Reason =
Adjacency address out of range#012 Adjacent node = 31.42