On 11 Oct 2013, at 07:47, Daniel Soderstrom <snaggs at mac.com> wrote:
There are plenty of CF or SD cards under 18gb. Also, there must be some way of only using
part of a drive, as these cards are used extensively in old Macs which have a 170mb boot
drive limit.
I'm fully aware of that, in fact I plan to try using a 4GB CF card on my 4000/60 at
some stage to see what it does. You linked to a *SATA* to SCSI adapter intended for
use on hard drives?
I'm aware that SATA to CF/SD adapters are available, I used one for a while with a CF
card. That may be an option but like others have said the reliability can be variable.
Also some companies that offer embedded micro-PC stuff also sell 8GB and 16GB SATA SSDs
that might be an option too, maybe? I am fairly sure I have a 16GB one spare somewhere.
On a Mac you can lay down partitions on the disk, the limit on a Mac IIRC is on partition
size on the the early SCSI machines, not on the drive size (which I think is 2GB or 4GB on
those due to limitations on the SCSI chip?). I am not aware of any way to make DEC
software do that.
Mark Benson
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