On May 5, 2020, at 1:21 PM, Thomas DeBellis
<tommytimesharing at gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Paul,
As usual, very informative. What you've verified is Tops-20's monitor based NRT
server implementation, which is good. Therefore, for the moment, I think it reasonable to
assume that the monitor client implementation is also not suspect.
NI1D displayed the same failure mode as Tron: report of a successful connection and then,
nothing, viz:
% Do not have Control-C capability, proceeding...
Escape character(^Y):
Host name: NI1D
[Connecting to remote host: NI1D]
[Remote system is running RSTS/E]
[Connected: type ^Y to return to node VENTI2]
This shows that the client had a successful connection and handed off to the monitor.
This was verified by further investigation (with SYSDPY which showed SETHOST in a WAIT%,
pending interrupt from the MTOPR%). Since the NRT client implementation eventually hands
off to the monitor for all the data flow, for Initial investigation, I'll have a look
at some that pre-MTOPR% post-connection open logic. I'll try to do a little more
trouble shooting tonight and see what might be happening.
I noticed that the server at my end (the application that answers the NRT connection) had
gone into a hard loop. I restarted it.
You mention four 'flavors' (?) of NRT; are
these documented anywhere? (I mean, other than in the code...)
I don't know of any official documentation. You could use the Linux source code as a
reference; that implements all four flavors, I think, and it's probably more readable.
In working on that I did some protocol reverse engineering; I may be able to find the
notes for that.
From the messages you quoted, it looks like SETHOST
knows it's talking to a RSTS system, which should mean it knows to speak that
protocol, but apparently something goes wrong in there somewhere. The fact that the RSTS
end breaks is of course a bug at that end -- it violates rule 1 of distributed systems,
"if your code fails because of a received message, it is always your fault, not the