On Nov 30, 2021, at 2:29 PM, Supratim Sanyal
<supratim at riseup.net> wrote:
On 11/30/21 12:20 PM, Paul Koning wrote:
Mine is residential service, that seems to
explain the difference.
I just found a Comcast document that confirms port 161 is blocked. If I can get proxies
for interesting Cisco HECnet routers I can consider adding mapper support for that. I
just found a trivial UDP proxy (to a single destination):
<https://github.com/EtiennePerot/misc-scripts/blob/master/udp-relay.py> -- something
a bit more complex could allow talking to several destinations, but this one may be good
I just NAT'd it; this should work for you:
snmpwalk -v2c -c foobar hecnet-us-east-gw.duckdns.org:31161
Thanks. Yes, that works. Now I have to think about how to use this information.
I think the minimal config information for the mapper is a list of SNMP addresses to
collect stuff from. The data coming back should tell me what I need to tie the node into
the map.