Instead of screen, consider using tmux. Once I found out about tmux many years ago, I
couldn't believe I hadn't been using it.
One major advantage - you can connect to the same tmux session from multiple sessions, so
you don't have disconnect first to reconnect from somewhere else.
It also has handling for mouse and copy/paste, so you can break a tmux window into several
panes and scroll with a mouse in each.
You can also have named sessions and connect to them by name.
I use this with simh so I create a shell script for each machine I run up. They
automatically connect to a tmux session called "CONSOLE"
Example - here is a script called "start-thomas" which starts up one of my simh
vax machines:
cd /root/down/vax/THOMAS
tmux has-session -t CONSOLE 2> /dev/null \
&& tmux new-window -d -t CONSOLE -n THOMAS '../BIN/vax' \
|| tmux new -d -s CONSOLE -n THOMAS '../BIN/vax'
So basically what this does is check to see if there is already a tmux session called
If there is, it creates a new window in this session, otherwise it creates the session
from scratch
I have a file like this for each machine, so I can just fire them up non-interactively
from the command line.
I then have another script called "console" which has:
tmux a -t CONSOLE
which just connects to the tmux session called "CONSOLE".
I find this really nice - I have a whole series of windows in a single tmux session which
I can easily cycle through.
It's far superior to screen and more flexible.
You could also do the same thing with pyDECnet.
It's very easy to have these fire up in a startup script or systemd etc.
Cheers, Wiz!!
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hecnet at Update.UU.SE <owner-hecnet at Update.UU.SE> On
Behalf Of Keith Halewood
Sent: Thursday, 18 November 2021 10:23 AM
To: hecnet at
Subject: Re: [HECnet] PyDECnet setup
I use screen -c file spec to fire off what I need and then detach, from rc.local
with a sudo to get the user I want. I can then attach/detach from an
interactive session whenever I want.
> On 17 Nov 2021, at 23:02, Robert Armstrong <bob at> wrote:
>> Paul Koning <paulkoning at> wrote:
>> If your PyDECnet is run from Unix startup machinery, typically having
>> it exit would get it restarted shortly after.
> Yeah, Upstart will do this if you want to run pyDECnet as a service.
> I often find that annoying and I don't actually do that for pyDECnet.
> I have my own script for running pyDECnet instead. If it exits, it
> won't come back
> :)
> Bob