Do we have a 'standard' metric for Cisco routers on Hecnet? I've been using
10 for each link so far. How do these devices behave with asymmetrical costs?
On 2013-01-08, at 12:01 PM, Peter Lothberg <roll at Stupi.SE> wrote:
A few days ago a "TELL 1.13 SHOW KNOWN NODES" from 42.42 BET:: was very =
slow. It's probably 4 times faster now. I don't know if I'm passing =
through your part of the net to get to Johnny.
Seems like you are;
NCP>tell mim show node bet
20:55:46 NCP
Request # 114 Accepted
20:55:47 NCP
Request # 114; Show Node Summary Completed
Node State Active Delay Circuit Next node
42.42 (BET) 0 4
59.11 (DIMMA)
I think we can even make this better...
Set up a (cisco) tunnel to (and tell me your side IP
Set the metric you have on the old tunnel(s) to me to cost 20.
Set the cost for the new tunnel to 10.
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