On Jan 3, 2013, at 4:13 AM, Jordi Guillaumes i Pons wrote:
El 03/01/2013, a les 9:33, G. <gerry77 at mail.com> va escriure:
The Software Installation Guide lists a bunch of MONGEN questions related to
DECnet on KS10s, asking for KMC/DUP or DMR hardware characteristics. A quick
Google search seems to confirm that both KMC and DMR are very similar to DMC
and software compatible with it. DMR should be a DMC enhancement/replacement.
The KMC11 is a user programmable microcontroller that's the basis of the DMC11. But
it's not a compatible replacement. Instead, the KMC was used as a co-processor to
drive a "dumb interface" like the DUP11. So no, if you have a DMC or DMR, you
do *not* call for KMC/DUP support in your monitor.