My 11/730 is not happy the electronics work
great and are even fairly easy to fix, but keeping disk drives on the thing working is
proving to be a challenge. Right now it has >two RA81s and one has quit completely (
servo fine position error ) and the other is flaky. The original R80 on the RB730 had
the HDA die years ago and I ve never been able >to find a replacement.
You are probably already aware of this, and they probably are not be any easier to
find now than an R80, but an RM80 will work fine off of the RB730 controller.
My first home machine was an 11/725, to which I added an RB730 controller , and I used
it with an RM80 for a number of years, until power problems killed a bunch of boards in
it. I hated losing it, since I had also added a VAXstation 100 workstation peripheral to
it - at the time it was a pretty exotic setup for use at home. I'm still hanging on
tothe VS100 gear, in case another Unibus VAX comes my way.
Lee K. Gleason N5ZMR
Control-G Consultants
lee.gleason at