On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 10:48 PM Tomas Prybil <tomas at prybil.se> wrote:
Hello again
Thx Supratim and Dave for tunnel endpoints.
I now have managed to get a fixed address which hopefully will make it
easier to connect.
Are there any endpoints in Europe that would be willing to share it's
connection with me at AREA34?
AREA34 is originating out of Stockholm Sweden.
@Dave McGuire, the new endpoint is if you could change on
your side.
@Mark Berryman, I'm now static if you're interested
Hi Tony,
I am in Perth, Western Australia (area 12). If you are interested, you can
also create a GRE pipe to my router. My public IP is
Let me know if you want to set it up and I'll poke the relevant holes in my
Regards, Tim.