On 11/15/2019 3:13 PM, Mark Pizzolato wrote:
Hi Bill,
I have no idea what you are actually typing, but this is a session I
just did on my Android phone (Linux):
Note that the -v switch for tape attaches gets it to be verbose about
what is going on under the covers.
Tape Image made from 'sim*' scanned as ANSI-VMS
contains 2181744 bytes of tape data (1245 record
s, 94 tapemarks)
Humm. I? saw something like this. Do you need the exact word? Sure no
problem. But it was something like this, "scanned as simh file (or
format). contains 0 bytes of tape data 0 records 0 tapemarks. " And no
tape available.
Does that help? I can dig it right up, If I can remember how to do it,
lol. And I will.