Thanks. I actually forgot to bring this up. I would be surprised if the script kiddies of
today would have the first clue on how to automate any penetration attack actually from
VMS... So it would be interesting to actually find out a bit more on what actually
happened on the originating side?
At this precise moment, that IP address does not answer PING. Some hours ago, it had an
active FTP server which identified itself as SunOS. I didn?t catch the version. So there
is potentially exploitable stuff there.
> Anyway, it would be good to send a heads up to the
operator. I can?t see any QCOCAL node in HECNET, so I don?t know ho he is.
I copied the HECNET.idx file you have in the FAL default directory in MIM:: Isn?t that the
good one?
DTR> ready hecnet
DTR> find hecnet with node_name = "QCOCAL"
[0 records found]