Sorry, but I don't agree.
Ultrix was an odd child even when it was "current". Just check any
contemporary software for all the comments about the special things
needed for it to compile and work on Ultrix.
It was way worse/more odd/special/whatever than most other Unix flavors
at the time. Admittedly, Irix was also horrible, but in other ways. :-)
On 2015-04-24 19:04, Dave McGuire wrote:
I don't know if calling it "insane" is reasonable, Sampsa. You've
fired up a thirty-year-old OS and are expecting it to act like it's a
current OS. It won't.
I ran Ultrix-32 daily back when it was current. It was (and is) a
great OS. But as with all commercial UNIX implementations, everyone
fixes a bunch of stuff as their first task after installation. For
Ultrix-32, nearly everyone installs GNU Tar, Bash, and GCC immediately.
The same goes for SunOS4 and HP-UX, from the same era.
Actually I like that approach quite a bit better than, say, today's
Solaris for example. Don't get me wrong, I love (and depend upon)
Solaris, but these days it ships with dozens of open-source packages
that have inexplicably been merged into the Solaris package management
system. They're almost always very old releases, compiled to live in
weird places in the filesystem, etc. Better to just leave them out if
they won't include them in a sane way.
On 04/24/2015 12:34 AM, Sampsa Laine wrote:
Yeah it's insane, Hello World wouldn't
compile until I changed it into this format:
---- SNIP ----
#include <stdio.h>
int main(argc,argv) <--------- Type declarations, who needs that crap,
everything's an int! WOOO!
printf("Hello guise\n");
---- END ----
Also where is the equivalent of resolv.conf on these machines? I'm going to leave
this instance up and running, just for the hell of it - DECNET works (had to hack the
config files that load it up to get a node database since there's no NCP COPY KNOWN
NODES command lol) in and out, the address is JBEIL (8.225) and the current guest account
is riddle/riddle.
Leave a message, sendmail (urgh) is running, it's set up to deliver local mail. Going
to maybe try to get this beast from the 70s of UNIX hell onto UUHECNET, it said it
installed UUCP...
Oh and if anyone solves the riddle I set in Punic / Akkadian, I'm sending them
something cool from the souk in Jbeil..:)
IP works in and out but name resolution doesn't (resolv.conf is there, I can ping but the system is just like "huh?"), I wonder if that apk nutjob still
makes those 100 MB hosts files..
On 24 Apr 2015, at 03:32, Johnny Billquist <bqt at> wrote:
On 2015-04-24 04:05, Sampsa Laine wrote:
OK, so any tips on making an ULTRIX box a tad
more modern? The terminal definitions are all weird and the C compiler is from the 70s...
Is there a nice set of BSD / GNU tools I can install on this? Or is this it?
Ha ha ha... We're talking Ultrix here. You'll be lucky to find software that will
even compile without you having to jump through all kind of hoops...
You might want to start by replacing the whole syslog on that thing. We used to run
Ultrix at Update a number of years ago, and got most things upgraded. It was a pain, and
nowadays it will probably be an even greater pain.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
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