On 12/20/2012 12:00 PM, Ian McLaughlin wrote:
Hello all,
Question about area routers. I'm going to spend some time over the holiday break
bringing some of my machines back online (I'm area 42). My current area router
is making some very unsettling hard drive noises, so I'm thinking of retiring it. I
recall reading somewhere that VMS Alpha is unable to be an area router - is that correct?
I have a DS10L that will probably be my always-on machine.
I also have a Cisco 7206VXR router that can do DECnet. If I use a Cisco for my
connectivity, do I need an area router, or does the Cisco fulfill this purpose?
The cisco will be an area router if you tell it to be.
There are several of us here who have cisco's doing this, so let us know what your IP
is going to be and we can setup some tunnels.