On 22 Dec 2012, at 10:58, sampsa at
mac.com wrote:
As some of you know, there's a bunch of stuff (including an AXP SPL) on
I've decided to make this stuff web-accessible, with the entry page being
That page includes some useful links to install images for new members etc.
I am also in the process of uploading the entire contents to my hosting provider as a
mirror, I suggest that once this is complete (in about 40 hours or so) that HTTP users use
the mirror as it will have far better transfer rates - the uplink from RHESUS is only 1.5
If you have any additional stuff you think should be on there, let me know, and I will
copy it across.
Which version of unzip.exe is up there? Might want to have a binary for all 3 platforms.
cURL might be nice too.