On Sun, Jul 15, 2018 at 4:54 PM, Paul Koning <paulkoning at comcast.net> wrote:
Algol68-RS? That's not familiar. I don't remember Algol 68 from DEC.
?I don't remember TLG doing Algol68. I'll should see Leslie or one the old
TLG managers next week at the weekly lunch and I'll ask.?
Could it have been done by some university?
"RS" doesn't suggest
anything in particular.
?RS -- I think means 'Royal Society' - the Brits did a couple of Algol68s
and I seems to remember one for the Vax kicking around, but I neer used it.
I know that CMU did an Algol 68 implementation, but that was for the
I believe that was Peter Hibbard's A68 compiler written BLISS-11 that he
started at Liverpool and finished at CMU. Generated code for Hydra and
UNIX (and maybe StarOS - I forget), although I think someone in Canada
moved it to RSX-11?. Problem was it compiled on the PDP-10, so it was
never self hosting because BLISS-11 required a PDP-10. I might have a v6
binary for it
?a tape somewhere. IIRC the binary I had ran on the 11/40e so would not
work on the 11/34 as it used the CMU csv/cret instructions.