Hi Sampsa,
Off and on I've been working on resurrecting the OpenVMS port of Gamess, a
computational chemistry package. I think the last time it compiled correctly was on
version 5 of the operating system and I'm trying to get it to work on VAX and alpha
running their latest versions. If I had an account with your system I would need about a
gig of storage space. What do you think?
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On Dec 18, 2014, at 7:22 AM, Sampsa Laine <sampsa at mac.com> wrote:
My hosting box is seriously under-utilised at the moment, so if any of you guys would like
to run some HECNET related stuff on a fairly beefy 16 CPU Xeon server with 64 GBs of RAM
(90% unusued) let me know.
The box has a 100 Mbps connection and the internal LAN is bridged into Johnny's
bridge, and GORVAX is capable of setting up Multinet tunnels.
Let me know if you have any cool geeky projects in mind, I'm happy to host them.