Well, I assume at the time it was the machine where QCOCAL was, but I still would not
expect that the attack actually happened from VMS. But I would like to find out for sure.
Anyway, it would be good to send a heads up to the operator. I can?t see any QCOCAL node
in HECNET, so I don?t know ho he is.
I copied the HECNET.idx file you have in the FAL default directory in MIM:: Isn?t that
the good one?
DTR> ready hecnet
DTR> find hecnet with node_name = "QCOCAL"
[0 records found]
Either you have an old copy, or something else on your side is broken.
I had a good copy. I?ve copied the current HECNET.IDX and now QCOCAL appears. I?ll have to
get the users table somehow, but that will be another day :)