Steve Davidson <steve at> writes:
For those who did not attend VCF East you missed a great time! On
Saturday, the keynote speaker was none other than Brian Kernighan. You
really missed a treat - right Dave!
Next year, I plan to bring even more stuff (not nearly as much as Dave
did) but more than this year. Dave's island of equipment included the
multiple terminals
I'm sure I have forgotten something...
I added:
VAXstation 4000/60
DEChub-90 backplane with a DECserver-90TL and a 16-port DEChub
a gateway (actually bridge) machine to connect to HECnet only the link
was pathetic
Brian (aka VAXman) added:
VAXstation 4000/30 (aka VLC)
In addition to the "island" Dave had other "exhibits" that I will
to Dave for discussion.
Next year we NEED more stuff! This is the official challenge to anyone
on the East coast. We want to see many more of you. If is is DEC it is
I would also like to personally add my thanks to Dave and Brian for
making this such a treat. Dave is nuts (in a good way) and very
generous. Brian was there for me when my brain could not content with
the sheer volume of noise - helping me to configure the DECservers and
dealing with my fat fingering the keyboard and the license management
facility (LMF). For a while we were Frick and Frack but we managed to
get it together. Thanks guys!
'Twas great to meet you Steve.
Dave has often spoken of creating an uber-cluster at VCF East. Let's do it!
As for me, I reside about 12 miles away, so it's no issue for me to get to
InfoAge. In the later '80s and early '90s, I provided VMS support at Camp
Evans when the Army was still in active occupation of the site.
I would love to see a huge DEC presence at VCF next year; especially, VMS
kit. I also, albeit Alpha and Itanium are not vintage in the mindset of
those running VCF, would love to demonstrate the seamless integration of
VMScluster across the different architectures. But, regardless, I would
very much contribute DEC kit for next year's VCF.
VAXman- A Bored Certified VMS Kernel Mode Hacker VAXman(at)TMESIS(dot)ORG
I speak to machines with the voice of humanity.