WEEEIRD - the SRM is not on serial only, not kbd/monitor as before.
On 17 Sep 2011, at 11:46, Sampsa Laine wrote:
I did, and found a totally superfluous (to my needs) QLogic SCSI card + drive in there.
I've got a KZPAC attached with a BA365 - the machine boots, but just to a blue
With the Qlogic in, it won't even boot.
Is there some magic key setting to reset the SRM ?
On 17 Sep 2011, at 11:40, hvlems at zonnet.nl wrote:
Possibly cards became unseated.
Open it up and remove all boards and reseat them. If that doesn't work.
------Origineel bericht------
Van: Sampsa Laine
Afzender: owner-hecnet at Update.UU.SE
Aan: hecnet at Update.UU.SE
Beantwoorden: hecnet at Update.UU.SE
Onderwerp: [HECnet] DS10 fucked - 3 beeps. Any ideas?
Verzonden: 17 september 2011 11:52
So I just had my DS10 perfectly configured but on its side, and it fell over.
Now it just gives me 3 beeps.
What do I do, disassemble the whole thing and reseat the RAM or what?