Ok, I'm motivated. Let's get this automated.
I've got a small bit of python I wrote to generate cisco configs for the tunnels.
If you are interested in getting auto-generated tunnel configs please send me the
following information:
1) The email address you want new configs sent to
2) Your routers public IP address(es)
3) The source interface(s) for your tunnels in full interface text. re: FastEthernet0/1
4) The cost you want your tunnels to be if you don't want them to be 10.
Once you've gotten your first config text from me delete all your current HECnet
tunnels and then apply the config text you'll have been emailed.
Unless anyone objects, I'm starting tunnel indexes at 50.
Steve D. -- if you want a router let me know. I'm going to eventually get off my ass
and migrate to this 2851 which will free up the 1841. I'm more than happy to loan it
to you as long as I have no need for it. (Which I doubt I ever will)
The one question I have for everyone is.... Do we do a full mesh or do we choose 1-3
"hubs" to connect everyone to? If 20 people have cisco's and we do a mesh
that's 20 tunnels, FYI. I'm ok with that, but I want to get an idea of what
everyone else thinks.