On 25 Sep 2013, at 16:47, Mark Wickens <mark at wickensonline.co.uk> wrote:
I'd seriously consider picking Steven Hoffman's brains on this before opening a
system up to the world.
I had thought about trying to get a VMS box collocated for a 'UK deathrow'
experience but Hoff seriously put me off the idea ;)
And I think you have the same 'seat of your pants' mentality that I do, which
probably isn't a win when you're looking to manage a public facing system (or at
least a public facing system that the public know about!)
This is why I manually verify any new user applications and audit what they do for a
while. I don't get many hacking attempts or anything on the boxes that I've got
telnet open on, it's a different matter once they have an account of course.
I could maybe move the HILANT cluster into its own VLAN, so IP access from there
wouldn't be a big deal, could even firewall most outgoing traffic.