Thank you, but I'm pretty well set for systems. I started this on an
11/44 (not emulated) and moved to a simh-based system when I realized it
wasn't going to be a trivial installation.
Actually I think I used one of your systems (CLOUDY::) a couple of
days ago when getting DECnet set up on the 11/44 and 11/70 at LSSM.
On 10/30/2017 10:08 PM, Supratim Sanyal wrote:
Dave - I have a SIMH Pdp-11/24 RSX-11M-Plus doing
nothing - if you want I can give you the system password to do whatever you like if you
want to try stuff - I have a backup.
Germantown, MD
On Oct 30, 2017, at 9:29 PM, Dave McGuire
<mcguire at> wrote:
Hey folks. I'm trying to get "Swedish" Pascal v6.3 running under
RSX-11M-Plus v4.6, and have hit a problem. The created PAS.TSK crashes
on invocation, and I suspect it may be due to a patch that gets applied
to a library during the build process. This appears in PAS.BLD:
; The above GBLPAT statement patches a branch instruction
; into the system overlay autoload routine AUTO.
; The last few releases of most operating systems have had
; different versions of AUTO. The proper GBLPAT statement
; to use above depends on which AUTO routine you have on
; your system. You can identify which one you have by
; examining the object module ident of module AUTO in
; the system object library, SYSLIB. Use a command such as
; "LBR LB:[1,1]SYSLIB/FU" to do this. The GBLPAT statements
; to use with each AUTO routine are:
; AUTO ident GBLPAT statement
; ============ ==================
; ??early?? GBLPAT=ROOT:$AUTO+34:437
; 08 GBLPAT=ROOT:$AUTO+34:435
; 09.08 GBLPAT=ROOT:$AUTO+36:441
; 10.02 GBLPAT=ROOT:$AUTO+36:431
The ident of AUTO in my system is 10.05, making that patch potentially
land at the wrong address. However, that's just my suspicion. Has
anyone gotten Swedish Pascal v6.3 running under RSX-11M-Plus v4.6?
Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA
Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA