On May 5, 2020, at 4:08 PM, Thomas DeBellis
<tommytimesharing at gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks for the screen shots! It figures RSX gets it right with everybody... One wonders
whether the group didn't have sufficient 'weight' to throw around to get
others groups to see their point of view, as it were. At a certain point, there appears
to have been a significant amount of NIH going on, particularly after the VMS/BLISS
corporate direction/mandates came down.
So RRS and HOST are different NRT client applications, then? Can you comment on the
protocols spoken? Or would you have source available?
I was pretty sure I had done a short writeup a while ago. Just found it. It was done in
2000, as part of an effort on my part to improve "dnterm", the Linux remote
terminal client. I'm fairly sure I created it by reverse engineering the source code
of the RSTS client. Take it with some grains of salt, but I'm fairly sure it was
sufficiently accurate to allow dnterm to talk all four protocols.
BTW, Linux uses TOPS-20 mode, I think. That's basically a raw character (character at
a time) transport. RSTS has a choice of line mode or character mode. RSX and VMS, as
Johnny explained, try to offload the entire terminal driver semantics onto the other end,
which makes the client a nice challenge on a system like RSTS that is entirely different.