I have been playing with my cisco router and a SIMH Vax over the break.
from my router I can see the following neighbours
cmrtr01#show decnet nei
Net Node Interface MAC address Flags
0 12.1023 Tunnel57 0000.0000.0000 A
0 42.1022 Tunnel51 0000.0000.0000 A
0 61.1023 Tunnel53 0000.0000.0000 A
0 22.10 FastEthernet0/1 aa00.0400.0a58 V
and the following routes
cmrtr01#show decnet route
Area Cost Hops Next Hop to Node Expires Prio
*1 50 2 Tunnel51 -> 42.1022
*2 52 4 Tunnel51 -> 42.1022
*3 51 3 Tunnel51 -> 42.1022
*7 50 2 Tunnel51 -> 42.1022
*8 50 2 Tunnel51 -> 42.1022
*9 40 2 Tunnel57 -> 12.1023
*11 50 2 Tunnel51 -> 42.1022
*12 20 1 Tunnel57 -> 12.1023 44 64
*18 51 3 Tunnel51 -> 42.1022
*19 50 2 Tunnel51 -> 42.1022
*22 0 0 (Local) -> 22.100
*23 40 2 Tunnel53 -> 61.1023
*28 50 2 Tunnel51 -> 42.1022
*33 51 3 Tunnel51 -> 42.1022
*39 51 3 Tunnel51 -> 42.1022
*42 20 1 Tunnel51 -> 42.1022 45 64
*47 50 2 Tunnel51 -> 42.1022
*59 50 2 Tunnel51 -> 42.1022
*61 20 1 Tunnel53 -> 61.1023 38 64
Node Cost Hops Next Hop to Node Expires Prio
*(Area) 0 0 (Local) -> 22.100
*22.10 4 1 FastEthernet0/1 -> 22.10 33 64
*22.100 0 0 (Local) -> 22.100
My SIMH Vax can see my router and has an adjacency. My node is 22.10 and router 22.100
Can anyone see area 22 as I don t seem to be able to communicate elsewhere.
Thanks, Mark