On 29 Nov 2013, at 03:48, Gregg Levine <gregg.drwho8 at gmail.com> wrote:
Interesting problem that one, Sampsa as applied to the Asterisk PBX.
Now the important question, who is or was hosting them? I might know
of them?
It's hosted in a colo facility operated by NETRIPLEX LLC - I actually
sent them the message as an act of goodwill, the PBX operator probably
DOESN'T want to be compromised like this :)
A compromised NAS, interesting. It might have been deliberately spun
up that way.....
That was in China - I don't even bother contacting their abuse points, useless...
And I agree with you regarding the drivers license and the server issues.
It is getting ludicrous. Soon we'll all be behind NAT "for our own safety".