In the meantime, I succesfully installed Fortran 77 V5.3 on RSTS 10.1
The tape file has the same origin as the V5.4 tape,
As it turns out, the V5.4 tape file is neither an INSTAL nor an UPDATE
tape image. (@[0,1]UPDATE FRTRN77 fails with the same error message).
Wilm Boerhout schreef op 6-7-2020 om 16:09:
I'm trying to get the Fortran-77 compiler
installed on PIRSTS:: ,
which is a working system on HECnet.
I have a TPC-formatted tape image with the name fortran-77_v5_4.tap
When I mount that tape, these are the contents:
$ mount mu0: F77504 %Device is write protected Density is 135 Tape is
in ANSI format $ dir mu0: Name .Typ Size Name .Typ Size Name .Typ Size
MU0: AUT101.A * 244 P AUTVER.BCK* 1 P F77F77.BCK* 3 P F77REL.BCK* 7 P
F77504.A * 407 P Total of 662 blocks in 5 files in MU0:
Also, during the installation I copied all layered product patches to
PATCH$, including what looks like patches for this version of Fortran-77:
$ dir patch$:f*.*
Name .Typ Size Prot Name .Typ Size Prot SY:[0,200] FALDBG.TSK 225C
<232> FALOVL.TSK 213C <232> FALRLB.TSK 80C <232> FEDLIB.OLB 118 <
FEDTKB.CMD 1 < 60> FEDTKB.ODL 2 < 60> FMS .01L 0 < 60> FMS .COM 38 <
60> FMS .DOC 3 < 60> FORTRA.01L 0 < 60> F77 .DOC 6 < 60> F77504.DAT
< 60> F77COM.OBJ 24 < 60> FRTRN7.01L 0 < 60> Total of 713 blocks in 14
files in SY:[0,200]
However, when I try to instal Fortran-77 (@[0,1]INSTAL FRTRN77) at
some point the installer ties to mount the tape and fails with:
?ID labels don't match
Looking at the
INSTAL.COM script, I believe it expects a label
"FRTRN7", whereas the tape is labeled F77504.
This string also appears as a file name in the PATCH$ directory and as
a file on the tape itself.
Clearly, there is a mismatch between the installer and the tape image
(but more likely, in my head)
Did anybody successfully install Fortran-77 on RSTS V10.1L ? How, and
using what tape image?